Welcome to our hard hats blog! This blog is designed to educate those looking to buy a hard hat on the newest products, technological breakthroughs, and general knowledge needed when it comes to purchasing your hard hat.
Hard hats are a requirement in many industries. While most notable construction, hard hats are necessary in any work environment where falling objects could be a potential hazard. To insure hard hats meet a specific quality standard, they are labeled by OSHA, or the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. These labels help the end user know what type of impact a specific hard hat can take and thus whether or not it fits the needs of the buyer in question. We will soon have a posting that further goes into depth on the different labels hard hats can have.
Once you've decided on the standard of hard hat you require, it's time to look into what color, style, and brand of hard hat you're looking for. Were you looking for a white hard hat with ratchet suspension? Or maybe you really wanted a full brim hard hat with a different suspension? This can be a daunting task for those who do not have any prior knowledge of hard hats, so we'll do our best in later postings to help walk you through the steps of a simple hard hat purchase. Once you realize that hard hats have different types of interior fitting mechanisms, can be made from different materials, and come in different shapes or sizes, the buying process can become complex for a first time buyer. We'll help break down the lingo used and explain what each part of the hard hat means for you. This way you can make an informed decision the first time without all the frustration of buying the wrong product.
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